
Sasuka Kinomiya


Birthplace/date : Tokyo. August 20 (or 21 ?)
Residence : Masara Town
Family : Her adoptive dad, Masato. Her parents Erenia and Korath.
Power : Fire
Particularities : She’s sometimes very energic and crazy, and sometimes really sweet. Don’t like jokes about her hair, or her name ! And hates spiders.
Team : Daybreak
Voice : Takeuchi Junko

Sarha can be seen as the mediator of the group. Even if she is a little bit “crazy” sometimes, she really is a wise girl who takes time to think before doing something (more or less). Sarha always comes up with good ideas. She’s sensitive and understanding, and she can easily talk to anyone, and make them trust her quickly. She is sportive and full of energy, and loves to run.
When she was very young, Sarha lived alone with her father, so when he had to work, he used to leave her with Hanako, Sacha’s mother. At first she was shy and wouldn’t say a word. But when she got lost in the snow one day, Sacha helped her and told her to never give up, something she always remembers, making it her motto : “Makenai”. It’s for him that she became strong.

When they meet the team, Sarha quickly become friend with Tai, even if they “fight” a lot about silly things. He calls her “Hime-sama” (Princess) and it gets on her nerves (even if at some point, she would miss it if he stopped).
Sarha is a bit protective with Izzy, and always listen to his advices. She doesn’t get along with Dizzi at all though.
Link doesn’t think Sarha can take care of herself, and she doesn’t like that, she feels the need to prove him what she’s capable of. Like Tai, Sarha tends to get on Link’s nerves when she’s too loud.

Sarha’s element is Fire. She uses it quite well, and is a good attacker. When she’s not using her element, she fights using her legs mostly, she has a very good agility. But then again, she can hardly defend herself and she’s weak when she’s touched.